Monday, September 5, 2016

Day 4 mini challenge

It's always the way. When inspiration hits, it's time for bed! I went to sleep last night, excited about all the pictures I could create for day 4. Unfortunately, when I woke up and had a zillion others things to do, all that inspiration disappeared.

So when David took Peter for a walk, mid-morning, my brain was a bit deflated. I thought I might try something in oil pastels and found an image online, of some sunflowers.

While it was enjoyable to draw and get in touch with oil pastels again, I didn't have much rattling around, as far as creative juices were concerned. I also realised I'm not as keen on my drawing supplies as I once was. Which includes the different varieties of pencils and the pastels. They require a lot of concentration and time to work with, which I realise in my busy schedule, doesn't afford me the luxury.

Acrylic paint, on the other hand, is much quicker to work with. Plus you can go over it, again and again, to change things around. I need speed and flexibility to create.

So the good thing about participating in this mini challenge is, I'm realising what art supplies I can work with best, on time restraints. If I want to create art in this busy time, I have to make things a little easier where I can.

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